Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hannukah - My favorite season!

Anyone not familiar with the story and traditions of Hannukah can read this for a rather good overview. But miracles and dedication aside, one of the best things about Hannukah is this: for eight days it's not only totally legal, but we're actually encouraged to EAT! And eat not just any foods, but especially sweets and fried foods - all of that delectable stuff we have to avoid for the rest of the year.

Yummy stuff like:

Latkes (potato pancakes)...

...and, better yet, Sweet Potato Latkes...

Deep-fried Artichokes...

Apple Fritters...

Chocolate Hazelnut Tart...

Gelt (chocolate money!!)...


And my favorite... Sufganiyot (jelly donuts)!!...

You're not really done until you can feel your arteries hardening...

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