I lead-ballooned my lofty ideals about not shopping yesterday... I don't know how it happened... why my exalted intentions just boogied on out of my mind... but they did... probably had something to do with my love of African fabrics... you know how it is... something so beautiful just popped up on my screen while I was surfing... which I shouldn't have been doing... because when something wonderful pops up on my screen while I'm surfing my resolve usually heads directly down the toilet. So I thought I'd look at a few new sites for African fabric... you know... just look... not buy anything... just get some ideas for fabric with which to make some of the new patterns I haven't been able to resist over the last few weeks... I really wasn't going to do any shopping... after all... I was preaching to the world through my blog and FaceBook about giving the planet a break and not spending any money on Black Friday... and moving my mind to greater heights through pure resolve and determination... and yada, yada... and there they were... T.H.E. P.E.R.F.E.C.T. fabrics for a couple of the swing coat patterns that have been sitting on my sewing table... quietly urging... "Make me!"... "Buy some gorgeous new fabric and make me...!!" It's interesting how stuff in my studio talks to me all of the time... usually urging me to buy further stuff that will complete my life and fulfill all of my dreams... sort of like those incredible cheesecakes at Costco... except the cheesecakes aren't quiet... they scream at me... "BUYME! TAKE ME HOME! EAT ME! NOW! AND WHEN I'M GONE, COME BACK AND BUY ANOTHER ONE!"
Well, that's how my Black Friday went. But now that the deed has been did, you just gotta see these outrageous pieces of fabric... perhaps you'll understand why my clicking finger hit the "Buy Now" button.
Imagine this jacket...

...made up in this fabric...

And this jacket...

... made up in this fabric...

Or maybe vice-versa... you get the idea!
I can absolutely totally completely see those swing coats in either or both of those fabrics and YES YES YES to shopping, particularly on line and most particularly fabric on line!!!
Avocado salsa...
2 poblano peppers - roasted, skinned, seeded
1 jalapeno chile - also roasted, etc
1 avocado - peeled, pitted
1/4 c plus olive oil
1/4 c chopped onion
1/4 c cilanto
juice of 1 lime
1/4 t salt
3 T water
blend til smooth.
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