Thursday, August 23, 2012


I love lists. They simplify things. When things are assigned a number and listed in an orderly manner, one after the other, life doesn't seem so complicated. I couldn't survive without grocery lists - if I don't write down what I need, I will never, ever remember what I need when I get to the grocery store. Back in the day, when I used to practice the piano several hours a day, I'd waste my entire practice time if I didn't follow my list...

1) Scales and Arpeggios - 10 minutes
2) Bach: G minor fugue - 15 minutes
3) Beethoven: Sonata #15 - 30 minutes
4) Brahms: Intermezzo - 15 minutes
... and yada, yada.

I especially like lists that, if carefully followed, will yield a desired result... suggestions that guide you towards Life Goals, or busting clutter, or growing the perfect pot of tomatoes. All so very tidy: do this, achieve that. While I could never deal with someone else's grocery list or practice schedule, with goal-oriented lists I much prefer to find lists someone else has written. I'm basically a very lazy person, and any time someone else can do the work, and all I have to do is "DO," I'm much happier. 

Today, while visiting art quilter friend, Sandy Donabed's blog, I discovered this list. I find I can resonate with every item and, therefore, have decided to print a copy and hang in my studio, put it in a note file on my iPhone, keep a copy on the music desk of my piano, put a copy in my car, and stash a copy in the bag in which I schlepp things to classes. Thanks, Sandy... I think this list is stupendous!
(Sorry, I can't figure out how to make this image larger... click on it to make it a readable size... it's worth it!)

Actually, this is my favorite Liszt of all...   ;-)

1 comment:

Healing Woman said...

I love lists too (and Liszt) I also agree with all the great things to do on the list you have included from your blogger friend. They all make sense..Of course you may not accomplish them all each day. I like the idea that I can make a list for a Monday and then allow myself a "spillover" list. Those are things I couldn't accomplish on Monday and are moved to Tuesday. That way, I don't put myself under so much pressure to complete. Friday..I'd like to see them checked off!